
Solitaire is a mobile card game acquired and published by Zynga in 2017, and has over 113 million downloads on iOS and Android devices.

Core team: ~15

Time on project: ~19 months


  • Created more than 60 design specifications intended to optimize gameplay, retention, and monetization including Subscriptions, Daily Challenges, and Win Rate
  • Created and maintained Facebook, Instagram social media pages
  • Monitored user reviews in Google Play and Apple App store for trends
  • Defined minimum specification for the Facebook Instant version of the game, including Automated Bot Messaging, and Score Challenge
  • Created competitive analysis feature spreadsheets

Solitare's the only game in town...

Here are some Solitaire videos I recorded when we were brainstorming on Ad Creatives.

For such a seemingly simple and basic game, there were many assumptions I had coming into the project that were disproven by data. One was that Solitaire was such a universally recognized card game, that the rules needed no explanation. A few user reviews that complained of 'no moves' when the cards were dealt indicated that those Players weren't aware of drawing cards into the waste pile.

Other Players complained of playing hundreds of games without having won a single one. This may be an indication that those Players are clicking on the 'Replay Game' button instead of 'New Game', and playing the same deal over and over.